Explore the World of
Fairy Tales
Harold and Maude kept an eye out for anything fishy.
To read more about Neil DeGrasse Tyson visit Goodreads.com
What do you see in this picture? Can you create a backstory? What will happen next?
Image courtesy of www.photosforclass.com
Image courtesy of www.unsplash.com
"Knowledge is power," Francis Bacon.
Vocab Test.com offers you, the eager student ready to learn, free vocabulary tests, which are the best way to boost your verbal skills. Practice your vocabulary starting with words for the 6th Grade to 12th Grade, in a variety of fun formats. This is a free site.
Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. Created by experts, Khan Academy’s library of trusted, standards-aligned practice and lessons covers math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, history, AP®, SAT®, and more. It’s all free for learners and teachers.
The Purdue OWL offers free resources including Writing and Teaching Writing, Research, Grammar and Mechanics, Style Guides, ESL (English as a Second Language), and Job Search and Professional Writing.
Taking a full-length SAT practice test is one of the best ways to simulate test day. Eight official SAT practice tests are available for free, both online and on paper.
Created by the makers of the SAT, each practice test has the same types of questions you'll see on test day. Six of the practice tests have even previously been given as actual SAT exams.
Created by the makers of the SAT, each practice test has the same types of questions you'll see on test day. Six of the practice tests have even previously been given as actual SAT exams.
The ACT contains multiple-choice tests in four areas: English, mathematics, reading and science. ACT's writing test is optional and will not affect your composite score.